I have presented about GLANCE many times and updated the post with resources each time. GLANCE is a protocol that can be used to support students to become attentive readers, writers and thinkers by layering digital media into the close reading process. Most recently, I shared the protocol and at the end I reviewed the technologies I used to support engagement with the content.

First I used Symbaloo to create a digital bookcase where students could self-select texts to learn about Universal Human Rights. The resources in this webmix came from youtube, Newsela, LibriVox, and  the Global Oneness Project. In addition, I created a word cloud of the preamble of the Declaration of Human Rights to include in the webmix as another tool to help students’ analyze the complex text. There are many websites where you can create word clouds. I used Wordle to create the one here, but Wordle relies on a Java plug-in that may not be supported by your browser. If this is the case, you can download the software. Other Word Cloud creators are:

The technology allows the students to interact with the text through photographs/graphics (visually), voice recording (auditory), text-based documents (traditionally/reading), word clouds (analytically), and ultimately by creating a project, in this case a found poem (creativity).